DOLICHODERINAE | Tapinoma danitschi Forel | * type location Kenya, Fundu Island on Lannea schweinfurthii (Tree 3/66) |
DOLICHODERINAE | Tapinoma demissum Forel | Type location Zimbabwe, soil nesting Single finding of one specimen on Dicrostachys cinerea (Tree 2/34) [amended from earlier ID as T. luteum] |
DOLICHODERINAE | Tapinoma minimum Mayr | type location Tanzania, Tanga Four findings, two on Acacia nilotica (Trees 5/55/ & 5/63), 1 & 4 specimens; one on Acacia zanzibarica (Tree 5/28), 1 specimen; and, one onCombretum molle (Tree 2/31) single specimen |
DOLICHODERINAE | Tapinoma modestum Santschi | * type location Zimbabwe. three findings; one on Acacia nilotica (Tree 5/56), 2 specimens; two on Lannae schweinfurthii (Trees 3/66 & 3/67) many & 23 specimens |
DOLICHODERINAE | Tapinoma schultzei (Forel) | known from Tanzania but diagnosis questionable as, like all Tapinoma the specimens crush as they dry out. Two findings; one on Acacia zanzibarica (Tree 5/17), 3 specimens; and one on Combretum molle (Tree 3/65), 1 specimen |
DOLICHODERINAE | Tapinoma mcgavini new species Tanzania | * possible new species on Combretum molle (Tree 2/18) |
DOLICHODERINAE | Tapinoma mkomaziae new species | * possible new species on Terminalia brownii (Tree 3/68), 1 specimen |
DOLICHODERINAE | Technomyrmex pallipes (F Smith) | * new status - type location Mauritius; reported from Kenya; single dealate queen & 3 workers on two different trees; one on Dichrostachys cinerea (Tree 2/37), one queen; worker on Acacia zanzibarica (Tree 5/28) |
DOLICHODERINAE | Technomyrmex vapidus Bolton | * reported from Kenya; one on Lannea schweinfurthii (Tree 3/66) 4 specimens |
FORMICINAE | Camponotus (Myrmacrhaphe) rotundinodis Santschi | * prior records from Uganda & Zaïre, new senior synonym of Camponotus tameri (Weber) from Sudan One specimen on Acacia zanzibarica (Tree 5/17) |
FORMICINAE | Camponotus (Myrmisolepis) erinaceus Gerstäcker | type location Arusha, Tanzania One finding of 3 specimens on Heywoodia lucens (Tree 3/51) |
FORMICINAE | Camponotus (Myrmisolepis) braunsi Mayr | wide ranging in East Africa, Mozambique to Somalia One finding of 17 specimens on Acacia nilotica (Tree 5/64) |
FORMICINAE | Camponotus (Myrmopelta) kollbrunneri (Forel) | * type location Ethiopia One finding on Heywoodia lucens (Tree 3/50), 4 specimens |
FORMICINAE | Camponotus (Myrmosaga) mombassae Forel - revived status | * previously known only from holotype worker from Mombasa, Kenya One finding of 3 workers on Ochna holstii (Tree 3/56) |
FORMICINAE | Camponotus (Myrmosericus) flavomarginatus Mayr | * widespread across sub-Saharan Africa. Known as a quite common ground-nesting species that forages on trees Five findings - 3 on Acacia zanzibarica (Trees 5/16, 5/17 & 5/28), 19-46 specimens; 1 on Grewia sp (Tree 2/15), 1 specimen; 1 on Terminalia brownii (Tree 3/68), 6 specimens |
FORMICINAE | Camponotus (Myrmotrema) ilgii Forel | * single dealate queen only; first report from Tanzania; earlier reports from spines of Acacia fistula Schwf. and Acacia bussei Harms One finding, single specimen on Ochni holstii (Tree 3/56) |
FORMICINAE | Camponotus (Myrmotrema) robecchii Emery | * widespread in eastern Africa Four findings; three on Acacia zanzibarica, 1-3 specimens; one on Terminalia brownii, 1 specimen |
FORMICINAE | Camponotus (Orthonotomyrmex) sericeusFabricius | common pan-African species; ground-nesting and foraging Single finding, one specimen on Dicrostachys cinerea (Tree 2/34) |
FORMICINAE | Camponotus (Myrmosaga) jeanneli Santschi | * type location Kenya. Five findings, all on Acacia nilotica, 43-72 specimens on each tree. Likely co-dominant |
FORMICINAE | Lepisiota depressa (Santschi) | * type location Kenya (Coastal area, River Ramisi) Single finding of one specimen on Acacia dendropanolobium (Tree 5/60) |
FORMICINAE | Plagiolepis chirendensisArnold | * type location Zimbabwe (nests under bark of dead trees). Single finding of one specimen on Acacia nilotica (Tree 5/64) |
FORMICINAE | Plagiolepis pictipes Santschi | * type location Mbuyuni, Kenya, holotype specimen only. Single finding of one specimen on Grewia sp (Tree 2/15) |
FORMICINAE | Plagiolepis alluaudi Emery | * sole previous record from type location, Imatong Mountains, southern Sudan. Five findings; one on Acacia zanzibarica (Tree 5/17), 2 specimens; one on Combretum molle (Tree 3/65), 1 specimen; two on Heywoodia lucens(Trees 3/50 & 3/51), many and 12 specimens; one on Ochna holstii (Tree 3/56), 3 specimens (note - previously listed as P. sudanica |
FORMICINAE | Polyrhachis cubaensis Mayr | reported from Kenya south to South Africa; known to nest in hollow stem galls Single finding of three specimens on Terminalia brownii (Tree 3/68) |
FORMICINAE | Polyrhachis schistacea(Gerstäcker) | common pan-African savannah species; ground nesting but known to forage on bushes and to tend homoptera Two findings; one on Acacia nilotica (Tree 5/64), 8 specimens; one on Acacia zanzibarica (Tree 5/28), 10 specimens |
FORMICINAE | Polyrhachis viscosa F Smith | common pan-African savannah species; ground-nesting but known to forage on trees and bushes Six findings all with single figures for specimens; two on Acacia nilotica (Trees 5/63 & 5/64); two on Combretum molle (Trees 3/64 & 3/65); one on Lannea schweinfurthii (Tree 3/67); and, one on Terminalia brownii (Tree 3/68) |
MYRMICINAE | Cataulacus huberi André | * almost all prior reports are from West Africa and the Congo Basin, with one from Uganda Single specimen found on Heywoodia lucens (Tree 3/50) |
MYRMICINAE | Cataulacus intrudens F Smith | widespread in Eastern Africa, from Somalia south to South Africa; this appears to match a described Tanzania variant of a "very variable species" Five findings; two on Lannea schweinfiurthi (Trees 3/66 & 3/67); two on Acacia nilotica (Trees 5/55 & 5/63); and, one on Grewia sp (Tree 2/15); in low numbers |
MYRMICINAE | Cataulacus kenyensis(Santschi) | * type collection from Nairobi, Kenya Four findings; three on Acacia zanzibarica (Trees 5/17, 5/26 & 5/28), one with many specimens; one on Acacia nilotica (Tree 5/63), single specimen |
MYRMICINAE | Crematogaster (Cr.) acaciaeForel | * widespread but apparently uncommon in Eastern Africa, from Somalia south to South Africa Single finding, 2 specimens, on Heywoodia lucens (Tree 3/50) |
MYRMICINAE | Crematogaster (Cr.) gallicolaForel | * four known reports from Somalia south to South Africa Two findings; one on Combretum molle (Tree 2/18), 2 specimens; one on Lannea schweinfurthii (Tree 3/67) numerous specimens |
MYRMICINAE | Crematogaster (Cr.) mimosaeSantschi | * type location Kenya, lower Mount Kenya in galls of Acacia stenocarpa;, also known from Somalia and Ethiopia Six findings; five as a dominant on Acacia zanzibarica (Trees 5/16, 5/17, 5/26, 5/27 & 5/28); one of two specimens on Ochna holstii (Tree 3/56) |
MYRMICINAE | Crematogaster (Cr.) nigricepsEmery | several reports from Tanzania north to Ethiopia and type location Somalia, from acacia spines Four findings, all as a dominant on Acacia drepanolobium (Trees 5/58, 5/59, 5/60 & 5/61) |
MYRMICINAE | Crematogaster (Cr.) rauana(Forel) | new status; sole prior report as a variety of gallicola was from Tanzania; near Moshi Single specimen found on Heywoodia lucens (Tree 3/51) |
MYRMICINAE | Crematogaster (Cr.) senegalensis Roger | * two findings on Heywoodia lucens (Trees 3/50 & 3/51); one specimen on each |
MYRMICINAE | Crematogaster (Cr.) sjostedti | widespread in Eastern Africa, from Somalia south to South Africa; type location is Tanzania, Usambara Three findings, probably as a dominant; two on Combretum molle (Trees 2/25 & 2/31); one on Terminalia brownii (Tree 3/68) |
MYRMICINAE | Crematogaster (Cr.) tricolorGerstäcker | revived status; widespread in Eastern Africa, from Somalia south to Mozambique; this possibly matches the described Tanzania variant bruta Two findings; one as a possible dominant on Lannea schweinfurthii (Tree 3/66); one of 25 specimens on Grewia sp (Tree 2/15) |
MYRMICINAE | Crematogaster (Decacrema) solenopsides Emery | type location Tanzania, subspecies flavida type location was Usambara in Acacia galls Four findings; three of 4-49 specimens on Acacia nilotica, (Trees 5/55, 5/56 & 5/57); one of a single specimen on Combretum molle (Tree3/65) |
MYRMICINAE | Crematogaster (Sphaerocrema) amita (Forel) | * known from eastern and southern Africa; two findings, both on Combretum molle (Trees 3/64 & 3/65), 4 & 2 specimens |
MYRMICINAE | Crematogaster (Sphaerocrema) kneri Mayr | * first report from Tanzania; type location Zimbabwe, other reports from Angola. Three findings; one on Acacia nilotica (Tree 5/55), 2 specimens; two on Combretum molle (Trees 2/26 & 2/27) ca 25 specimens on each |
MYRMICINAE | Monomorium pallidipes(Forel) | type location Eritrea, other reports from Sudan, Kenya and Tanzania (Kilimanjaro) Four findings; three on Acacia nilotica (Trees 5/55, 5/63 & 5/64 - 11 specimens); one on Grewia sp (Tree 2/15), 1 specimen |
MYRMICINAE | Monomorium speluncarum(Santschi) | * holotype & 2 other workers known only from a single site in Kenya Single finding of four specimens on Heywoodia lucens (Tree 3/50) |
MYRMICINAE | Nesomyrmex latinodis (Mayr) | new status, type location Mozambique Widespread sub-Saharan form that seems wrongly lumped with the Egypt/North Africa type N. angulatus by Bolton Ten findings of 1-7 specimens; five on Acacia nilotica (Trees 5/55, 5/56, 5/57, 5/63 & 5/64), two on Combretum molle (Trees 2/18 & 2/31); two on Lannea schweinfurthii (Trees 3/66 & 3/67); and, one on Terminalia brownii (Tree 3/68) |
MYRMICINAE | Tetramorium caldarium(Roger) | * tramp species with African records including Kenya Three findings of 1-2 specimens each; two on Acacia nilotica (Trees 5/56 & 5/63); and one on Heywoodia lucens (Tree 3/50) |
MYRMICINAE | Tetramorium candidum Bolton | * single previous record from type location in eastern Zaïre, Bukavu Single finding of 1 specimen on Heywoodia lucens (Tree 3/50) |
PSEUDOMYRMECINAE | Tetraponera ambigua (Emery) | * known from Ethiopia south to South Africa Single finding of many specimens on Terminalia brownii (Tree 3/68) |
PSEUDOMYRMECINAE | Tetraponera bifoveolata(Mayr) | first findng of a major worker; type location Mozambique but known otherwise only from Tanzania and the Horn of Africa. Six findings; two on Acacia nilotica (Trees 5/63 & 5/64), many specimens & one queen; three on Acacia zanzibarica (Trees 5/17, 5/26 & 5/28), 24, 3 & 7 specimens; plus a single specimen on Combretum molle (Tree 3/65) |
PSEUDOMYRMECINAE | Tetraponera parops Ward | reported without details from Kenya (type location), Tanzania and Somalia, collected in dead twigs Two findings of 14 and 19 specimens on Lannea schweinfurthii (Trees 3/66 & 3/67) |
PSEUDOMYRMECINAE | Tetraponera prelli (Forel) | type location Tanzania, Monga; also from Moshi and Usambara Five findings; two on Lannea schweinfurthii (Trees 3/66 & 3/67), 1 & 20 specimens; two on Combretum molle (Trees 2/25 & 3/64), 1 & 2 specimens; one on Acacia nilotica (Tree 5/55), 11 specimens |